Sunday, June 14, 2009

Benchmarking the best there is...

Hello all. It's been a few days since I posted any messages but I am certainly taking an inventory of all of the responses I am receiving. They have been very helpful.

Now I am embarking on a new set of information that I am collecting which is incredibly topical to what I am doing at work. As a business intelligence manager for a top of the line aerospace company, I am fortunate to be in a very entrepreneurial group that MUST become world class when it comes to the collection of statistics and providing a best in class reporting infrastructure.

Where I am going with this at this time is to look for businesses that I should benchmark when it comes to the collection and reporting of statistics. The two companies that my group have come up with to benchmark thus far are MLB (Major League Baseball) and the NASDAQ. Both companies thrive on statistics and are able to provide any type of information at any time. Does anyone else have any other ideas for companies or business models to benchmark when it comes to reporting and information gathering?


  1. The Telephone companies do a lot of Benchmarking. Some of it through statistics gathered on customers and the operators. There may be a need for outside Benchmarking so that the AT&T and Verizons may be able to compare there information against a neutral standard.

  2. Try insurance companies.

  3. Maybe try commercial real estate companies (e.g. Jones Lang La Salle, Cushman Wakefield...) lots of different types of buildings with various metrics and indicators being tracked around availability, use of space, cost, utilities etc.

  4. LinkedIn Groups

    * Group: DataShaping Advanced Analytics

    Hi Matthew,

    I have come across several case studies about the application of analytics from these companies: Marriott, Harrah's, CapitalOne, Amazon, Google, CapitalOne and Dell. A wide variety of industries but all of them are world class.


    Posted by Manuel Martin

  5. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Supply Chain Today: Continuous Improvement, Technology...

    I have implemented ERP packages at almost 60 locations. By far the most mission critical issue experienced has been the executive management support and buyin. Mouthing the proper words is not enough. They must walk the talk also. Once that buyin has been made, the vertical organization of roles and responsibilities can be developed at all levels. I have managed to get this fully developed on several projects and the results have been amazing. My last 26 implementations have been completed on time, on budget with minimum post golive issues. We never required a reschedule golive and I accomplished this success with only 7 super users in just 18 months!

    Posted by Carl Risch

  6. Call center guru (we have a crap-ton of stats)June 16, 2009 at 8:17 PM

    Your question missed the boat. You should be asking what stats the best -aerospace- companies collect and report on. All the tools are pretty much the same, so your industry and company KPIs will drive what stats you pursue. Except for "ooh shiny" discussions on tools and dashboards, the MLB and NASDAQ are near worthless out of industry context.

  7. I agree with call centre guru - you need to know what makes YOUR business tick and it has NO relation to what makes a stock exchange tick. I would start by looking at Lean (six sigma etc). Your reporting should then try to help identify processes that do not add value to your product. You should read Eli Goldratt's Goal. It's a bit corny in places and I don't entirely subscribe to his theory of constraints but it might make you think the right thoughts.

  8. LinkedIn Groups

    * Group: Front End of Innovation

    Wall street is probably another world class data-centric business.

    Posted by Stephen Uban

  9. LinkedIn Groups

    * Group: Business Intelligence Group


    There are two questions you need to answer: what is the best Process for collecting and reporting metrics and second what are the right metrics? To answer the Process question, you can look to the world class IT providers. To answer the metrics question is to first understand your company's strategic imperatives and world class objectives. This should lead you to companies around the globe whose processes are performing at the level you need to be. Let me know if I can provide any further help. As you can see, Benchmarking is my middle name!!

    Brian Lowenthal, Managaing Partner, The Benchmark Partners

    Posted by Brian Lowenthal


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