Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Future of Business Intelligence

Computerworld - Our call for predictions about the future of business intelligence yielded a bountiful crop.

In five years, 100 million people will be using an information-visualization tool on a near-daily basis. And products that have visualization as one of their top three features will earn $1 billion per year. -- Ramana Rao, founder and chief technology officer, Inxight Software Inc., Sunnyvale, Calif.

Within three years, users will begin demanding near-real-time analysis relating to their business -- in the same fashion as they monitor stock quotes online today. Monthly and even daily reports won't be good enough. Business intelligence will be more focused on vertical industries and feature more predictive modeling instead of ad hoc queries. -- Thomas Chesbrough, executive vice president of Thazar, a Skywire Software company, Frisco, Texas

Like standards in manufacturing for product quality, "data certification" will become a critical standard in the next three years for ensuring that vendors, customers and suppliers who acquire and/or share third-party data can measure the quality of that data before it's purchased or used. With a formal methodology, published set of criteria and certification test, information purchasers will be able to analyze data for appropriateness -- and request discounts for any deficiencies. -- Frank Dravis, vice president of information quality, Firstlogic Inc., La Crosse, Wis.

In the next three years, companies (and their business managers) will become utterly dependent on real-time business information, in much the same way that people expect to get information from the Internet in one or two clicks. This instant "Internet experience" will create the new framework for business intelligence, but business processes will have to change to accommodate and exploit the real-time flows of business data. -- Nigel Stokes, CEO, DataMirror Corp., Toronto

Companies are drowning in terabytes of data. In order to exploit the growing ocean of data, businesses will focus their business-intelligence spending in the next three years on technologies that address the inefficiencies of the underlying data storage, rather than the already powerful analytic applications. -- Foster Hinshaw, chief technology officer, Netezza Corp., Framingham, Mass.

In the next two years, business-intelligence capabilities will become more democratized, with a far greater number of end users across the enterprise using the tools to get better visibility into the performance of their segment of the business. Think of it as executive dashboards for worker bees. -- Steve Molsberry, senior consultant, Stonebridge Technologies Inc., Dallas

Business-intelligence data is what allows a company to grow and exploit future opportunities and, as such, is the target for corporate espionage, computer crime and terrorism. Stealing existing financial assets creates little overall impact. Stealing a company's information assets diminishes its ability to compete in the future. This will be the year that corporate boards and shareholders ask questions about what companies are doing to protect their information assets, which will trigger more IT security spending in 2004 and 2005. -- Ryon Packer, vice president, Intrusion Inc., Richardson, Texas

By the end of next year, banks will rely more and more on information gleaned directly from customers to predict loan defaults and collections. Lenders will use notes from customer interactions and conversations with collection center agents, as well as e-mail and other streams of unstructured communication, to significantly improve the prediction of the customer behavior. Banks currently rely on historical structured transaction data that's only producing marginal returns. But higher write-off rates and debt delinquencies will force financial institutions to deploy new methods. -- Gwen Spertell, CEO, Intelligent Results Inc., Palo Alto, Calif.

By improving the targeting of marketing messages, business-intelligence technology may save more than $200 billion dollars a year in wasted advertising and direct marketing. Data mining combined with marketing automation changes the fundamental economics of marketing and will probably increase the efficiency of all marketing expenditures by as much as 20% by 2007. -- Dave Morgan, CEO, Tacoda Systems Inc., New York

In the next three to five years, business intelligence will cease to exist as a stand-alone market, as Microsoft, database vendors and application vendors make analytics a simple extension of their offerings. Integration providers, using Web services and messaging standards, will make data movement simpler and provide "right-time" access to any data source. -- Bob Zurek, vice president of advanced technology, Ascential Software Corp., Westboro, Mass.

Today, consumers may be amused at marketers' clumsy attempts to personalize service, like being offered a new Lexus while shopping for a used Pinto. But consumers won't laugh at such amateur antics in two years or so. And neither will chief financial officers, who will refuse to pay for collecting and analyzing data that gets used unintelligently. -- Helen McMillan, vice president, Experian Database Solutions, Costa Mesa, Calif.

Business is war! Like in any war, survival depends on being able to act quickly in a constantly changing environment. Business intelligence will eventually operate as a business command-and control-center (BCCC). Similar to how a missile command center constantly performs tracking and analysis and triggers countermeasures, the BCCC will track variables, such as operational performance, market conditions and competitors' performance, in real-time. -- Sol Klinger, director, Sterling Management Solutions Inc., Princeton, N.J

Unstructured customer feedback contains critical indicators for customer attrition, upsell opportunities and product enhancements. In 2003, companies that fail to utilize their customers' unstructured feedback will be left in the dust! -- Guy Jones, vice president and founder of Island Data Corp., Carlsbad, Calif.

By 2006, half of all data warehouses that exist today will be replaced by a more streamlined architecture that I will call "data shopping malls." They'll contain sets of data arranged by use for each business unit that will allow the business-unit managers to analyze data specific to their area of interest. The data shopping malls will be more accurate, more responsive and less susceptible to the statistical anomalies of large data sets in the data warehouse. -- Craig Branning, senior vice president, Tallan Inc., Glastonbury, Conn.

Knowledge workers have tended to analyze data in isolation because the software they use doesn't let them do anything else. But data analysis must move from solo to collaborative if we're ever going to eliminate the bottleneck of specialized business analysts. This means packaging analytical applications into portal interfaces that ordinary people can access online and then allowing them to share not just the static output, but [also] the actual dynamic analytical experience through online collaboration. We'll see this happen among early adopters later this year, and it will be mainstream by 2005. -- Andrew Coutts, CEO, Databeacon Inc., Ottawa

Within two to three years, companies will ditch the traditional model of making business adjustments on a quarterly basis. Instead, they'll use business intelligence and performance management tools to make real-time shifts in strategy to respond to changes in the marketplace. --Rob Ashe, president and chief operating officer, Cognos Inc., Burlington, Mass.

Vendors that promise business intelligence but capture only historical data from company databases will be tomorrow's memories -- extinct providers who simply couldn't deliver true real-time intelligence. Real business intelligence means analyzing not only documents, databases and e-mail, but also other sources of rich and constantly changing data, such as Web site content, PDF files, Internet-based discussions, call logs and survey responses. -- Mahendra B. Vora, chairman and CEO, Intelliseek Inc., Cincinnati

Within five years, terms such as business intelligence and data mining will have all but disappeared from the corporate lexicon. They'll be replaced by business actions automatically triggered by systems with "corporate foresight," based on predictive analytics. And instead of being used by a limited number of technical analysts, these technologies will be applied at all levels, from the CEO managing corporate risk to the human resources professional identifying attrition risk among the best employees. -- Colin Shearer, vice president of customer analytics, SPSS Inc., Chicago

Users will demand more integration between the numbers and the commentary. At some point, all business-intelligence applications will include content management or knowledge management tools as well. -- Brian Hartlen, senior vice president, Comshare Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.

In about five years, we'll see a dramatic 40% increase in the number of end users who use business-intelligence tools. The monolithic data warehouse strategies will be replaced with technologies that build virtual data access points based on the end user's query needs. These points will dynamically collect data from a variety of sources including data mart, data warehouse, production systems and external sources and present a single personal data view. -- Frank Gelbart, CEO, Appfluent Technology Inc., Arlington, Va.

In early 2004, some bored geek starts an open-source OLAP [online analytical processing] initiative. Suddenly, Oracle doesn't think that Linux and its ilk are that cool anymore. -- Gerald Boyd, director of research, NCS Technologies Inc., Piscataway, N.J.

In a few years, competitive advantage will come from using business intelligence to understand customer behavior and preferences at a narrow segmentation level and even an individual level and then delivering customized, context-sensitive offers. But given the cost and difficulty of actually doing this, by 2010, at least 50% of the Fortune 500 will turn to outsourcing contractors that have the next-generation technology and database marketing expertise to do it.

-- Jeff Zabin, vice president, Seurat Co., Boulder, Colo.


  1. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence Architects

    Mashup and real collaboration between different power users will join human intelligence together with dataset intelligence, and we can gradually see the true value of business intelligence.

    If a BI tool vendor brags about its tool is producing 4000+ pre-defined reports everyday for one of Fortune 500 client, I'm impressed about such tool's performance and I worry deeply about who is going to look through all these reports (within a day :-) and how many reports are actually very similar yet slightly different.

    Until artificial intelligence is practically working in data management area, we won't be able to automatically create all the scorecard/dashboard that the executives can really make reasonable decision without worrying about if the data is right or makes sense. For a long time, human interpretation and reasoning will still play a very important part in the food chain of true BI. If you also agree upon this, then BI vendors have to think more about how to create less reports/cubes but to allow power users' comments/opinions/questions to be easily tagged to the certain cells, and then be shared and discussed with other power users and business subject experts. Everyone only has 7.5~8 hours to deal with the data from work, how can the BI tools help a group of people to concentrate our energy on a very few hot spot and make the real smart decision?

    * Search engine will naturally become part of BI platform. But this might not be Google's massive indexes for unstructured data. Data structure awareness for such search engine will need to include not only unstructured document (HTML, XML, Office Doc, PDF) but also database table, MDX cube, OLAP model, etc... Moreover, a code generator is required, which can generate queries to get dataset out of such structured store based on certain filter. Search engine should not and can not replicate all content from such structured data stores, so it needs to understand these store's structure and interface, then query such data stores on-demand.

    * Data federation is similar to Mashup to some extend, but today's mashup is more based on WOA for smaller-yet-frequent data exchange, data federation has to show its power of moving large volume of data fast, as well as its capability of pushing down the join/filter logic into the data store engine. Composite and IBM are offering such feature to BI solutions, but there's still a lot to do.

    Posted by Eric Sun

  2. LinkedIn
    Krishnendu Banerjee has sent you a message.

    Hi Matthew,

    You brought out a very interesting topic for discussion. I am currently advising a couple of my clients on BI Strategy and while conducting some deep analysis of the business benefits I am kind of convinced that a real-time Business Process Intelligence is a much effective tool then BI for today’s agile enterprise.

    We surely need BI for historical and predictive analytics as well as extensive reporting, but would suggest you to look into process intelligence and Key Process Success Factors. I am currently associated with Mahindra Satyam and do extensive work in the area of Strategy Consulting, IT and engineering in the area of Aerospace. If you are interested I can send you a brief on Real-time Business Process Intelligence and our Aerospace industry practice.

    Thank You
    Regional Manager, US North East
    Mahindra Satyam
    Mobile: 8474208267

  3. LinkedIn

    Date: 7/01/2009

    BI is nothing but reporting, alerts, messages, done using some business logic.
    There are many open source tools available

  4. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence Professionals

    Matt - Great article. Since you are also from the BI Space, what are your thoughts? Let us connect.

    Regards - Bis

    Posted by Bis Bhattacharya

  5. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence Professionals

    Interesting. I think many of these 'predictions' are examples of where the old adage of "check your sources" needs to be applied. Several of them seem to be self serving and designed for maximum shock value. Do you think any of the ones that have expired have come true?
    I do like the one about the bored geek puting a scare into Oracle however.

    Posted by Wayne Kurtz

  6. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: CIO Forum

    Interesting article! The evolution of the tools for simplified use no doubt contributes to the predicted proliferation.

    Posted by Cheyenne Peddle

  7. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence Group

    What is the latest on VC financing

    Posted by Ralph Weber

  8. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence

    Hi Matthew, good link, thanks Johann

    Posted by Johann Lehner

  9. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Analytics

    Nice post Matthew. Didn't realise this was originally published in...2003. Very interesting.

    For me, with my digital marketing hat on, the Dave Morgan quote was particularly interesting. He wasn't too far off (20% improvement in marketing efficiency by 2007), but we still have a very long way to go.

    I also like what Frank Dravis of Firstlogic said re: the need for "data certification".

    Again, in the context of digital marketing, specifically agency/advertiser planning, buying, the distribution (aka serving), management and measurement of online advertising (a $37.2 billion industry in the US by 2013 according to eMarketer - ), we - the internet advertising industry - could certainly benefit from data certification. We do little to nothing to validate the quality and parameters of the data that we retrieve, every day, from various platforms and yet we know that data is central to the innovation and growth of our sector.

    Got me thinking.

    Thanks again,

    James Sandoval
    Founder & Managing Director
    Invizua Limited

  10. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence Professionals

    Loved the comment about democratization of BI. The functionality is there today to provide data and analytic tools to everyone in an organization. It's amazing when you move from data being interpreted by a few analyst to all involved in a process or product that amount of communication\discussion it generates. The BI project that i've been working on is designed to bypass data analysts and take the data right to our faculty. It's generated an amazing degree of ownership, accountability, and revitalized the entrepreneurial spirit of our faculty.

    On the other hand the comments about making decisions based on real time data seems either more industry specific or pie-in-the-sky. In health care if you make too many decisions on perceived short term trends you risk quality of care. You really have to have significant data points and heavily validated tools & data to make decisions that involve patient care.

    Thanks for sharing,...Mike

    Posted by Michael Zang

  11. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence Professionals

    Michael, I agree about the real time stuff. Real time is great for process control but how many business decisions do you really want to make based on what happened in the past five minutes? Did we suddenly sell more grapes because people suddenly started loving grapes or because one caterer came in to cover for a last minute disaster?

    That's not to say that there isn't value in having triggers fire off when specific events occur or specific limits are reached (i.e. process control / business process control) but, someone doing hard core analysis on real time data? Real time BI further blurs the line between informational (i.e. business intelligence) & operational systems.

    Posted by Benjamin Taub

  12. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence Professionals

    Unfortunately technology has dictated future of BI landscape and product capabilities and not market (read user) demands. I wish its other way round. Ten years ago, BI products were meant for slicing and dicing historical data. Now they are used for operational reporting as well. Vendor consolidation (SAP-BO, Oracle-Hyperion, IBM-Cognos) and emergence of DW Appliance (one stop shopping) will play a major role in future of BI.

    Posted by Raj Tawdé

  13. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence

    Good link, I´m surprised at the variance of their predictions. Do we know where this is heading? I personally see a future for Knowledge Management of company info mor on the side of whay Wolfram is working on in his Alpha project... That´s certainly what users will want. But that will be no time soon.

    Posted by Daniel Rodríguez Sierra

  14. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence Professionals

    What I find most interesting about this article is that these comments were collected 5-6 years ago and mostly make predictions for the 2005-2006 timeframe. Nearly all of these posts addressed one or more of the following: Predictive Analytics, (Near) Real-time Operational, Data Quality, Security and/or Unstructured Data. Three to four years later we are still talking about these and making predictions for 2010-2011 on these same topics.

    Although I would add the following, which were largely glossed over or missed, On-Demand/Cloud/SaaS, Mash-Ups/SOA and the general commodification of BI/DWHing.

    Posted by Marc Paradis

  15. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence Professionals

    I have to agree with Marc. Seems like the only change is that we are expecting also SaaS to happen. Otherwise wishlist remains, as none of it is reality.

    Development is slow, and there is no unified frontier pushing it - corporation (executive) users are satisfied to be sitting on the intelligence, consultants are happy to sell reliable solutions, and product developers have no hurry to get into competition with smaller players as the licences keep rolling in.

    If you are truly bracing any of these enhancements of BI, I consider you as a pioneer.

    Posted by Mikko Hartikainen

  16. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence Professionals

    Mikko, that's a very interesting comment you make about "... users are satisfied to be sitting on the intelligence ...". In many cases I believe individuals consider 'intelligence' as their own personal capital and competitive advantage over their peers, both within and outside the "organization" and so, especially in economic hard times, want to protect their own interests and means of wealth. This is one reason why we never seems to get anywhere in BI except to improve the technology.

    Posted by Wayne Kurtz

  17. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Intelligence

    Is this a historical piece? The 'predictions' are for 2004 onwards. What would these same people say if questioned today, I wonder?

    Posted by Sonja McShane

  18. LinkedIn Groups

    Group: CIO Forum

    Still a lot of hype. People still don't know how to use Excel effectively. It will take a while before general public of office workers can make sense of BI applications.
    I remember similar statements at the end of the 90s. Now there are more tools, but users still complain about the same - they can't get information they need.

    Posted by Dmitry Trudov

  19. One thing that I find interesting about this post, although it might be dated, is that it is a collection of several ideas from different writers, professionals, company officers, and industry specialists that seem to just be delivering ideas about what “may be” without using any analytics to backup their ideas. There are no monte carlo analyses or litmus tests if you will to gauge changes in outlying variables such as economic downturns or shifts in technology, which may be why the alterations of predictions in this article have not taken shape.

    This blog post has received much attention by folks in several different groups on Linked in and also directly from users on my blog. I have collected all of the responses I received and centrally located the responses on the blogpost for all to see. Interestingly, a lot the comments surrounded the fact that this post is several years old and that the Business Intelligence paradigm has not shifted as predicted.

    Thank you for all of your responses. I enjoy hearing everyone’s take on situations such as these and look forward to additional insight.

    Matt Spight

  20. LinkedIn Groups

    * Group: Business Intelligence

    It's hard to tell who wrote this piece. Was this from "Computerworld"?

    -Ralph Winters

    Posted by Ralph Winters

  21. Yes this article was posted on at the following link:

    It was written in 2003 by Mitch Betts

    -Matt Spight-


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